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A Message From Our Chairman:
This is my first term as Chair after serving a few terms as Vice Chair. I often say I became a Libertarian because I didn’t want to hate anyone. I feel other parties sometimes don’t consider you a member unless you truly despise those in a competing party. I didn’t agree with the opinion of the right or left most of the time. I didn’t have an opinion on the center of the two. I had an opinion completely
different from the other two.
My efforts with the Libertarian Party of Seminole County are geared towards future generations that will not need to vote for the other evil. 2 parties in strong control can create corruption (which has shown up a lot in Seminole County), divisiveness, too much government and an unhappy electorate.
Our goal is simple, provide an unbiased space where you can talk about local issues and what is the best solution and not a talking point of a political party. Recruit new candidates to run for office. We are seeking normal everyday people who want to serve the public and not themselves.
This is how the system was designed originally. We endeavor to increase voluntarism throughout Seminole County.
Through this we hope to demonstrate people are the best solution and not government. We have an interesting opportunity ahead of us as voters are changing registrations to NPA and Independent in record numbers. Our challenge ahead is to get our ideas out to the public and why you are best served with a Libertarian representing you in Seminole County.
How can you help? Donate your time, money and ideas. Our meetings occur on the final Wednesday of each month at Dess Brothers Brewing at 7:30 PM.
We do a road clean-up every other month on the 3rd Saturday of the month at 8:30 AM meeting at Dunkin (formally known as Dunkin Donuts) on Lake Mary Blvd in the Home Depot Parking Lot.
Our upcoming road clean-ups are May 20, 2023, July 15 th, September 16th and November 18th .
Run for office in Seminole County! Bring in new ideas not platforms.
Help us preserve Seminole County for future generations.
John Morrisey
Chairman of the Libertarian Party of Seminole County.
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